Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Screen Casting: What is One?

Hi! I’m Ana. Today I will be teaching you about if you have a fraction how to figure out what is one whole. Here is an example:

23 goldfish are equal to one fourth of the goldfish, and you have to figure out how many goldfish there are in all? Watch the video and try to answer the question, then after enough people have guessed, I’ll tell you.

I decided to make a screen casting video because I think that it is the best way for people to absorb the math in it. The process was hard but fun. The first thing I had to do was create the slides, that took up a lot of my time because I had to do it on a laptop not the smart board (which by far is easier). Then I got to record on the smart board but you couldn’t here me so I had to re-record with some struggles because it wasn’t on the right microphone (Katie helped me with that). Then I picked music, made credits and edited. I had a lot of fun and I hope you will to with all our new fraction entrees. So I hope you enjoy the video.

P.S. Kaite is spelled  in the videos credits (is supposed to be spelled Katie)

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